
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Hi there!! Happy Holidays!


2015 in review!

Based off the blog, we started out kind of rocky. God has blessed my family tremendously. Year end 2014 caused me to focus my efforts on Know Your Beautiful for 2015. I feel as though I have slightly mastered my vision. What's left, is getting more women aboard. I love where my brand is headed. Be on the lookout for me in 2016. Fiyah is coming!! Distinguished is coming. Lord willing, another junior is coming. Thank you for rocking with me this far. I will be bringing photo blogging (phlogging, get it๐Ÿ˜) into 2016. I'm sorry for the redirected route we initially took. 


Photos by me: PhotosbyLJK 
Instagram: @photosbyLJK
Facebook: Photos by LJK
Clients: Dimitrius and Drew King

Thursday, December 3, 2015

S.W.E.E.P - I'm Still a Woman and me, photosbyLJK

I had the opportunity to do a taping with 3 amazing women. Viewing this episode, reminds why I do it. When I feel or look far from my best, when I am at a point where I'm not feeling accepted, I can come back to this. There should never come a time where another human being makes you feel inadequate. Oh, but it will. Know your worth. Set expectations for yourself, that you will not allow another being to tear you down. The Bible says to kill them with kindness, but this here flesh, says to cuss their asses out one good time. Friendships and relationships are so much more than that.

Thank you for shooting with me in 2015. I hope to see new faces in 2016 for Know Your Beautiful. 


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What About YOUR Friends?!?

A year ago, I got to shoot a special person. I've dedicated Wedding Wednesday to her and her husband. I think it was 6th grade that we began to see each other as friends. Had we met a year before?!? YASSS. She was short, with long crinkly hair. I was taller with a Jheri curl turned perm. We hung out all the time. We 3 way called.
She lived down the street and around the corner from my hidden crush. She was the first friend from school, I'd stayed two weeks with during the summer break. At some point during my stay, my eyeballs had swollen shut from something. Til this day, we still have no clue. Since I was nowhere near my mother, I was excited that we'd finally get to go to Dance Across Texas! YES!!! SCORE!! Insert every word that shows excitement here. NOPE!! I guess my mom just knew. She called us every hour on the hour to make sure we DID NOT go to Dance Across Texas. I was deprived like that.

In comes high school! She'd gone straight. Still short. I then cut my hair, like a mushroom with back bangs (LOL, to be in her quinceanera. We had bluish-green taffeta, tea length dresses.
I remember my mama making a big deal out of getting the shoes dyed to the same color. Payless had them but I remember us spending, roughly $30. Welp, there goes my allowance for 3 weeks.

Fast forward to post high school. SHE'S still here! We have partied enough for 83,782 single ladies. I recall driving her to see her then boyfriend on his lunch breaks. It was the cutest thing to witness. She was there for me when I had breakups (Red Fez) to dance and "be social". At one point in our lives, we both shared a sweet milestone. We were once pregnant at the same time some years ago. She succeeded. I didn't so much. I remember calling her from California to tell her about my pain. Shortly after, I'd lost the baby. Outside of my husband, she was my first person to call. She is so deserving. Everyone needs to experience love to this capacity. The way she and her husband were brought together was all in GOD's plan. No backstory, but he came along when she needed him most.

A year ago, she made sure I was able to attend her wedding. Chicago living and all. She asked ME, yes ME, to shoot her most precious moment. Honored wasn't even the expression to type. It showed me that she believed in me beyond family portraits. It wasn't my first wedding but it meant everything. I was able to shoot her in the same exact church as her quince, umpteen years ago. Gaining genuine support from people you know is quite difficult when FREE isn't on menu. Deja vu from seven years earlier, I pick her special day to share with her my GREAT news.
That's how much she means to me. As I captured her throughout the day, I just thought to myself, how beautiful my friend looked; how lucky her husband is to have her as a wife. Her cooking doesn't hurt either. My mysterious friend's name is Melissa.

Please help me say, Happy Anniversary (days away) to my friend and her boo, Mr and Mrs Brien McKinzie! I love you both!

PS: They LOVED their wedding package and Coffee Table Book! It is always my pleasure to shoot friends! I feel I will always have a personal connection with them on their special day.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Know Your Beautiful with photosbyLJK

To the plus sized woman, I'm considered skinny.
To the skinny woman, I'm considered thick.
To the thick woman, I'm not thick enough.
...but to ME, flaws and all, I'm just right.


What is your insecurity?

This campaign means so much to me. Women coming together to motivate one another!! We exude growth and confidence, even at our worst!

photos taken by me.
Makeup BEATNESS by Allure Faces by Nikki - DFW

Friday, July 31, 2015

Back to Reality

It's been quite a busy month for The Kings. We are finally settled (until God calls us somewhere else) and my boo has caught up to me in age. I can't describe the peace I feel at this moment. To be around friends, people for that matter, who share your same sentiments, is a wonderful feeling. No hate, just love. No shade but inspiration. My vision board is coming together. God, Family, Career

Friday, July 17, 2015


This has been on my brain to blog about for months.

Last month, I got the opportunity to shoot my hairstylist. Her support for my business, is overwhelmingly appreciated. Her photoshoot was the MOST anxiety filled state I've ever been in. You know that moment when you're waiting on your clients to pick their photos? Or just view them for that matter? I waited. And waited. It was only an hour but it felt like 3 days. Once I received her approval, I cried. I've cried so many days just thinking about her well being. My thoughts were, "You are putting your vision in my hands. I have to make sure I capture everything you've envisioned."

She is battling HER2 stage 3 breast cancer. I guess you could say it was her coming out shoot. No more wigs. No more hiding. It was time for her to exude every bit of confidence she has. No matter what she's experiencing, she's always extremely positive and full of laughter. The woman still slays while getting chemo, Hunty. As she says, she has cancer. Cancer doesn't have her. As I continue to pray for her health, I am reminded that LIFE is not to be taken for granted. She is also responsible for my photos hitting the WORLDWIDE WEB like FIRE, Hunty, FIRE!! Had we not done this photoshoot, we would have never seen the impact she has made in such a short time. I am so very proud to have done this with her. I am fearless. I am thankful. As I've rebranded and changed my logo, I decided to take the skirt she'd given to me after the shoot and put it on camera one more time.

Keitra, you are a true angel. I never imagined that we'd become so close outside of you snatching my hair. Your soul is genuine. Your heart is amazing. I'm so glad I found you! I'm so glad to be back home. Smell your roses while you can!


Photos by me: PhotosbyLJK (Facebook and Instagram)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015

Know Your Beautiful - LJK

We are all tested as women. Don't give up. Allow me to help you feel better and notice your greatness. Know Your Beautiful. - LJK

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Just Love

This month was about love. That's all. I am now married, 6 years!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Hello Texas!!


I almost let March go by without blogging. We're back in TEXAS!!!! As excited as I am to be home, I've done nothing on my personal list. We've only been home 2 weeks and NOW I understand why everything has happened in its order. God has his reasons. I will say that I love the simple things. Although I've removed Illinois weather from my phone, I still check in from time to time. They just had snow earlier this week. Can't. Deal. I can't stress how much I LOVE wearing my sandals before May.
The idea of running outside at my convenience is also a plus. It's going to be a busy couple of months ahead of us before we can get settled. Having my son around my family is one of the best observations yet. He went from having just his parents around to easy access to everyone. As much as he misses the snow, I guarantee he'd rather be right where we are today. Thank you Texas for the 80 degree weather. Thank you for allowing me to sit outside, on my dad's porch, and do ABSOLUTELY nothing. This is everything.

Monday, February 23, 2015

R. Kelly, You Can Keep Your Story. I'm Sticking with Texas!

The idea of never seeing snow again is like me winning $20 on a slot machine. I'd be overjoyed. Chicago has been quite the experience. Nothing what I expected. I really and truly thought I'd come to the Midwest, style the "right" client and my Personal Stylist career would take off. Ummm no. We're in the suburbs of Chicago. They don't dress up here. I asked a Limited store manager where I could find really cute boutiques with different things. She told me that they don't dress like that in the burbs. She said, "The suburbs are more laid back. Only in the city." I gave her the look down. She was right. She had no style.

I also had to drive to Chicago to find a decent hair stylist. Traffic. Traffic. Traffic. I took the traffic and the long waits but all thanks to her assistant, my coint no longer wanted to deal. Sorry not sorry.

I lost all motivation to shoot. Guess what, it's cold as hell here. Freezing. Honey, I couldn't do it. On occasion I'd shoot but I prefer sunny and clear skies without freezing wind chills. As we speak, it's freezing. Very sunny, but freezing. Snow literally sits on the ground for days. Why?? Because it's FREEZING!! Looking out the window will play tricks on your mind. The days don't let up either. 10 day forecast is all in the teens or single digit with a (-) in front.

Manners? Southern hospitality? What's that? Nobody says, "Yes Ma'am, No Ma'am, Excuse me, Thank you, You're Welcome, How are you, Can I, May I," nothing. Being polite goes out the door swiftly, here. Funky ole attitudes. I have to tell one of my son's teachers how to speak when teaching my son. He started coming home saying, "Give me" not asking.

I did push myself to do something different. People are usually drawn to me. Not the other way around. I'm friendly but I don't just walk up to people and make friendships. I started a group on just to find other moms with toddler sons. Drew and myself both got a lifetime friend out of that experience. *Pats self on the back*

Only a few weeks left in the Midwest and I have 1 last thing I'd like to do before heading back to The South. Try. Shake. Shack. If for some reason, God leads my family back to the Midwest, I will follow. *Cues Pimp C (Rip), "Big Pimpin'" verse* UNHH, now what yall know about them Texas girls!!

Until next month in Texas: Holla!!


Thursday, January 15, 2015

January to me..

Well, as I sit here typing, I'd like to apologize for setting the wrong tone for my blog. Before I got married I blogged about pre-wedding jitters and irritations. Yes, those blogs have been deleted. LOL! My plan with blogging again was to either pick up with present day or start my photography blog. Yes, I shoot people. With a camera. It's my most loved hobby. I guess I did start with present day. My first blog back, is my life. December didn't end how I planned nor did January start out the way I planned.

My best thoughts occur on the toilet or on ambien. January is very cold. We're not in the south right now. Darkness hits at 4:30. Snow is so overrated. We were that family who at the first sight of snow, pulled our cellphones out to capture the moment. Our son was completely overdressed. Snowsuit, snow boots, gloves and fur hats all for 30 something degree weather. With it being negative something and negative double digit windchill, Texas sounds really great right about now.

My insomnia is back. My nights are long again. I guess the ambien has worn off. I can't wait to exercise again. Running outside, in Illinois, just doesn't sound appeasing to me right now. Middle school kids run in shorts this time of year. Ummm, no thanks!! Indoor exercise is so blah for me. I get bored. I need a change of scenery. January is great prep for our King Black History trip. January is going by extremely slow. I have a countdown that I've started. January thus far, has been a lot of PIZZA! With all of the complications I've had, pizza was just the easiest choice. January has been all about my 2 men. I'm a better woman, wife and mother because of them.

My future blogs will be light and fun again. The best part of blogging is writing what you want, when you want. It doesn't have to make sense. Until February... - LJK