Well, as I sit here typing, I'd like to apologize for setting the wrong tone for my blog. Before I got married I blogged about pre-wedding jitters and irritations. Yes, those blogs have been deleted. LOL! My plan with blogging again was to either pick up with present day or start my photography blog. Yes, I shoot people. With a camera. It's my most loved hobby. I guess I did start with present day. My first blog back, is my life. December didn't end how I planned nor did January start out the way I planned.
My best thoughts occur on the toilet or on ambien. January is very cold. We're not in the south right now. Darkness hits at 4:30. Snow is so overrated. We were that family who at the first sight of snow, pulled our cellphones out to capture the moment. Our son was completely overdressed. Snowsuit, snow boots, gloves and fur hats all for 30 something degree weather. With it being negative something and negative double digit windchill, Texas sounds really great right about now.
My insomnia is back. My nights are long again. I guess the ambien has worn off. I can't wait to exercise again. Running outside, in Illinois, just doesn't sound appeasing to me right now. Middle school kids run in shorts this time of year. Ummm, no thanks!! Indoor exercise is so blah for me. I get bored. I need a change of scenery. January is great prep for our King Black History trip. January is going by extremely slow. I have a countdown that I've started. January thus far, has been a lot of PIZZA! With all of the complications I've had, pizza was just the easiest choice. January has been all about my 2 men. I'm a better woman, wife and mother because of them.
My future blogs will be light and fun again. The best part of blogging is writing what you want, when you want. It doesn't have to make sense. Until February... - LJK