I almost let March go by without blogging. We're back in TEXAS!!!! As excited as I am to be home, I've done nothing on my personal list. We've only been home 2 weeks and NOW I understand why everything has happened in its order. God has his reasons. I will say that I love the simple things. Although I've removed Illinois weather from my phone, I still check in from time to time. They just had snow earlier this week. Can't. Deal. I can't stress how much I LOVE wearing my sandals before May. The idea of running outside at my convenience is also a plus. It's going to be a busy couple of months ahead of us before we can get settled. Having my son around my family is one of the best observations yet. He went from having just his parents around to easy access to everyone. As much as he misses the snow, I guarantee he'd rather be right where we are today. Thank you Texas for the 80 degree weather. Thank you for allowing me to sit outside, on my dad's porch, and do ABSOLUTELY nothing. This is everything.