
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Know Your Beautiful with photosbyLJK

To the plus sized woman, I'm considered skinny.
To the skinny woman, I'm considered thick.
To the thick woman, I'm not thick enough.
...but to ME, flaws and all, I'm just right.


What is your insecurity?

This campaign means so much to me. Women coming together to motivate one another!! We exude growth and confidence, even at our worst!

photos taken by me.
Makeup BEATNESS by Allure Faces by Nikki - DFW


Unknown said...


I saw you on Bridezilla many years ago and since then, you have been my "friend in my head" (not in a creepy I need a restraining order kind of way but in a you really seem like cool people sort of way. You were the ONLY bride on that show who I genuinely enjoyed watching and did not seem like s shrew. I shall be following your blog and look forward to the updates!!

LaJune said...


YASSSSS! Thank you so much! Yes, that was a long time ago! I am pretty awesome in real life. That was only for entertainment purposes! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I have a website as well if you like to visit or check me out on Instagram as well under @photosbyLJK. Hopefully you can join my campaign someday.
